27 Aprīlis 2006 @ 22:12
Some ideas about IB  
I can not really understand the hullabaloo the eldest IB form makes. Maybe I have gained a wrong impression about them, but there is nothing I hear about them but missed deadlines, sleepless walking zombies, low grades, ridiculously written papers to be handed in, and other nice things. And all those phrases coming from them, like “Gee, I have three deadlines tomorrow” or “Sheesh, I haven’t slept more than four hours for a month”; I just can not stand the attitude like this. To my mind, missing deadlines and sleepless nights just show that you are not able to plan your time or that you do not exactly have the proper regard towards the load you have chosen. They should be ashamed they have to complain about this, since it is nothing to be proud with. I know that I can not always manage to make absolutely everything right on time, but – hey! – I am not shouting it to everyone. I am also aware of the fact that after writing these lines I will be forced to do everything on time, to avoid criticizing myself in this way. But I am ready for it. I know it will be hard sometimes, but I have chosen it. And those fellows who burst out laughing as I was filling my extended essay proposal form to hand it in before the end of April (not some time in October, yes, I am exaggerating, but whatever) – they really got on my nerves then.

I just feel that then there is no use of having IB if one just “swims through” the whole process. It can be done in the regular forms as well. Speaking frankly, in this way the places for people who might really use this chance to go studying abroad are uselessly filled up. Sadly, I have a prediction, that the same I’ll be able to say about a part of our form when the twelfth grade is over. Nevertheless, I am determined to do my best.
Garīgais: Ok
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[info]hippy_soul on 28. Aprīlis 2006 - 00:36
Pirmkārt, es Tev no visas sirds piekrītu... tā īdēšana ir kaitoša un muļķīga;
Otrkārt, Tu, mīļuci, es apbrīnojams cilvēks savas laika plānošanas dēļ... ne katram tāds talants (bet tik un tā ir stulbi skaļi gausties par neizdarīto).

Un vēl tik gribēju piebilst, ka nav jēgas ne tikai no SB, bet arī no nacionālas programmas, ja tai vienkārši izpeld cauri. Ar cauri peldēšanas taktiku jēgas nav nekam... ne tikai mācībām.
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[info]left on 28. Aprīlis 2006 - 07:37
Nav jēgas gan. Es par nac. programmu biju domājis tā, ka tur vnk ir vairāk vietu un ka to tā kā ir izdarīt vieglāk, ja ļoti grib... :)
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