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3/26/12 03:10 pm

144: Where Words Fail (Originally aired 11.05.1999)

'Even so, at the square with the children, I was not like other mothers. Sitting on the bench or on the side of the sand pit, I would watch my Elvire making mud pies, and I would let Gauthier suck on his biscuit. If another woman wanted to talk to me, I had only two options. A bright facade, which devastated me-- yes, mine's already three and a half, but she's still frightened of the slide. I can't believe your little scrap. He's so brave up at the top of the ladder-- or a truth that was socially unacceptable. These are my younger two children. The elder ones died four years ago.

I would always be out of place. The working class, immigrants, the self-taught cranks, the handicapped, the unemployed, and grieving parents are more alike than people think. They have at least one thing in common. They have to make Herculean efforts to hold a normal, banal, bouncy conversation. They can think of only one thing, the moment when they might introduce a sentence about their misfortune. Thirteen years have passed, and I still cannot last half a day without evoking my daughters.'

3/24/12 11:44 pm

drunk with power

3/24/12 10:12 pm

Jā, jā, jā, Hakslijs saka, ka 'Neatliec uz rītu to prieku, ko spēj izbaudīt šodien', mūsdienu sabiedrībā patīkami pavadīt laiku nozīmē gūt apmierinājumu, patērējot un 'uzsūcot' preces, skaistus skatus, ēdienus, dzērienus, cigaretes, cilvēkus, lekcijas, grāmatas, filmas - viss tiek patērēts un norīts. Pasaule ir viens vienīgs objekts mūsu ēstgribas apmierināšanai, kā liels ābols, pudele, krūts; mēs esam kā zīdaiņi - mūžīgi gaidošie, cerošie un mūžīgi vīlušies.

3/23/12 08:27 pm

3/23/12 10:18 am

Tuvakajās dienās iešu uz neformālu tikšanos ar CJ'a kolēģi, mūsdienās jau viss ļoti vienkārši - viņa apskata manas fotogrāfijas, saka, ka approve, es apskatu viņas, ja saku to pašu, tad viss sarunāts.

Led: 'Is she intelligent?'

CJ: 'Yeah, funny and interesting as well, why do you ask?'

Led: 'Oh, you know... if she's not beautiful enough, than I'll have to try to have a meaningful conversation with her.'

CJ: 'Hahahaha, Santa, your so bad!'

3/22/12 07:24 am

Bezmiegs ir atstājies, bet katru rītu mostos aukstos sviedros. Riebjas.

3/22/12 07:17 am

Aizvakar pēc darba stāvēju autobusa pieturā un kontemplēju, kādi assholes ir majoritāte ikdienā sastapto cilvēku, kad pie manis piestāja autobuss, kas man mājupceļam neder nemaz, šoferis smaidīja kā pavasara saulīte un taujāja uz kurieni man vajag, pateicu, ka man viņa maršruts nav pa ceļam, viņš pakasīja pakausi, novērtēja situāciju, pārlaižot acis pustukšajam autobusam, un teica: 'Listen, I'll make a small detour and let you out at a bus stop where there are at least 3 more buses going your way. So.. you don't have to stand here, alright?'
Led: 'Alright! :)'

3/21/12 11:10 pm

Šovakar dzeru viņčiku un skatos Intervention: 'Born into a family with traditional Catholic values, Chris struggled with his sexuality until coming out at 18. Now, at 34, Chris feels that being gay has cheated him out of the things he wants most--marriage, children, and inclusion in his family. He drinks first thing in the morning to ward off tremors, he's abusive to his partner, and he can't keep a job. His father believes Chris should be able to stop drinking by sheer force of will, but his mother believes that genetics is to blame for hisalcoholism. Can the family overcome its divisions and work together for Chris? Can an intervention set him on the straight and narrow?'

Beidzās tā: 'Chris completed treatment and moved home with Shawn. Chris relapsed several times before tragically taking his own life on August 28, 2009.'

3/15/12 03:26 pm

Pildu veidlapas un iekšēji gavilēju, ka nebūšu viens no sērdienīšiem, kuriem no šī gada par studijām būs jāmaksā £9000. Un tikko saņēmu vēstuli, ka man piešķirta arī stipendija. Awesome!

3/15/12 11:33 am

3/12/12 11:22 pm

Pabeidzu apmācību, tagad oficiāli esmu piercing specialist, hahahaha, caurumoju cilvēkus ar īpašu rūpību un iekšēju apmierinātību.

3/6/12 09:17 am - Positively ALIVE!

3/5/12 08:13 pm

Man ir jauna aizraušanās - neona izkārtnes, tikko pasūtīju šādu.

Kad pārvākšos uz jauno dzīvokli, tad virtuvē/ēdamistabā bez šādas neiztikt -

3/2/12 11:16 am

3/2/12 10:48 am

Darbā nokļuvu ļoti bīstamā situācijā ar diviem zagļiem, kad skatījos ierakstu CCTV un rakstīju liecību mentiem, apjautu, cik reckless es esmu attiecība pret savu veselību un dzīvību vispār. Tas mani skumdina, jo pat fakts, ka tagad man ir gandrīz viss, ko es vēlos, mani te netur.

3/2/12 12:26 am

Pāris dienas atpakaļ kriminoloģijas pasniedzējs, kurš bijis ments vairāk kā 30 gadus, piedāvāja man kļūt par Special Constable iekš London Metropolitan Police un uzrakstīt rekomendāciju, lai mans iesniegums tiktu fast track'ots. Man bija jāatsaka, jo neesmu dzīvojusi UK trīs pilnus gadus. Ja tā godīgi - pirmo reizi dzīvē pilnīgi salauzta sirds. CJ's pārdzīvo man līdzi, ēdam viņa cepto šokolādes kūku un dzeram vīnu.

3/1/12 08:26 am

-'Take a deep breath, and summon your good manners. You can be alone tomorrow.'

2/24/12 09:31 pm

Patron Saints:

Happy death and the patron saint of fighting communism- St. Joseph,
Alcoholics - Venerable Matt Talbot, St. Monica,
Drug addiction - St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe,
Falsely accused - St. Raymond Nonnatus,
Headaches - St. Teresa of Avila,
Impossible causes - St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, St. Rita of Cascia,
Juvenile delinquents - St. Dominic Savio,
Kidney disease - St. Benedict,
Neurological diseases - St. Dymphna,
Police officers - Michael, Gabriel and Raphael,
Sobriety - Venerable Matt Talbot,
Unfinished business - Pierre de Fermat.

2/23/12 08:45 am

2/22/12 08:10 am

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