mizantropei наплевать

February 4th, 2010

12:36 am

02:16 am - Neguļu.

(I’m ringing up a young couple for a video game. The girlfriend asks about the game and the boyfriend describes it to her.)

Boyfriend: “[In the game] you’re one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.”

Girlfriend: “Which one?”

Boyfriend: “War.”

Girlfriend: “Who are the others?”

Boyfriend: “Famine, Pestilence, and Plague.”

Girlfriend: “Who makes this s*** up?!”

02:56 am

Me: “Hi there, this is Sarah from [video rental store]. I’m just calling to let you know the movie you reserved is now in if you’d like to come pick it up.”

Customer: “Oh, for Pete’s sake. These stupid f***ing recordings! I can’t believe even friggin [video rental store] has them now. You hear that, you stupid f***ing robot? YOU F***ING PIECE OF ROBOT S***!

Me: “Um…sir? I am an actual person.”

Customer: *hangs up*

12:52 pm - fml


01:10 pm

Es vēl joprojām esmu diezgan piedzērusies no vakarvakarvakarvakara. Čatoju ar robotu un skatos krievu līgavu bildes. Vēl man vajag skaistu kleitu, kurpes man jau ir.
Re, meitenes!

02:01 pm

Stulba diena. Varbūt iet ārā paskriet. Līdz veikalam. Man ar kaķeni ir pasliktinājušās attiecības, viņa ar mani vairs nerunā, tikai guļ, varbūt viņai ir depresija? Dzer tikai moku ar pienu, bet reti. Ko man darīt?

02:33 pm

Man ir trīs dažādas mapes avīžu izgriezumiem.

03:29 pm

Ja ir kaut kas, kas precīzi spēj atspoguļot kā es jūtos, tad tā ir jūra.

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