Sestdiena, 6. Nov 2004, 20:48
Super size me

Shodien veerojot, kaa tusniigaa kaiminju meitene meerc elljaa 

un notiesaa jau ceturto baltmaizes shkjeeli, es ‘svinu’ savus +4kg kopsh ierashanaas ASV. 

Man vairs neder manas dreebes un maac aizdomas, ka veel ilgi nekas nemainiisies.
Americans, let’s face it: We’ve been a spoiled country for a long time. 
Do you know what the number one health risk in America is? 
Obesity. They say we’re in the middle of an obesity epidemic.
An epidemic like it is polio. Like we’ll be telling our grand kids about it one day.
The Great Obesity Epidemic of 2004.
“How’d you get through it grandpa?”
“Oh, it was horrible Johnny, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere.”
Nobody knows why were getting fatter? Look at our lifestyle.
I’ll sit at a drive thru. 
I’ll sit there behind fifteen other cars instead of getting up to make the eight foot walk to the totally empty counter.
Everything is mega meal, super sized. Want biggie fries, super sized, want to go large. 
You want to have thirty burgers for a nickel you fat mother fucker. There’s room in the back. Take it!
Want a 55 gallon drum of Coke with that? It’s only three more cents.



© by Lazyboy (Underwear Goes Inside The Pants)


Tuvaakajaa laikaa gribu redzeet arii sho cik noprotu filmas autors (Spurlock) ir arii taas galvenais varonis.



  • French fries are the most eaten vegetable in America
  • Each day, 1 in 4 Americans visits a fast food restaurant
  • You would have to walk for seven hours straight to burn off a Super Sized Coke, fry and Big Mac
  • 60 % of all Americans are either overweight or obese
  • Left unabated, obesity will surpass smoking as the leading cause of preventable death in America
  • One in every three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime
  • Only seven items on McDonald's entire menu contain no sugar
  • Willard Scott was the first Ronald McDonald - he was fired for being too fat
  • McDonald's distributes more toys per year than Toys-R-Us
  • McDonald's: "Any processing our foods undergo make them more dangerous than unprocessed foods"
  • The World Health Organization has declared obesity a global epidemic
  • McDonald's calls people who eat a lot of their food "Heavy Users"
  • McDonald's operates more than 30,000 restaurants in more then 100 countries on 6 continents
  • Before most children can speak they can recognize McDonald's
  • Most nutritionists recommend not eating fast food more than once a month
  • 40% of American meals are eaten outside the home
  • McDonald's represents 43% of total U.S. fast food market
  • McDonald's feeds more than 46 million people a day - more than the entire population of Spain
  • In 1972, we spent 3 billion a year on fast food - today we spend more than 110 billion



Pirmdiena, 8. Nov 2004, 01:54

nu, jaa.. taa ir viena shtelle, kas dziivojoties pa maajaam nekad nenotiek.. nav iespeejams, dziivojot ledusskapja tuvumaa aizmirst paeest.. taapeec es esmu sajuusmaa par 6d,7dienaam, kas paarsvaraa dziivojos pa aaru kaur kur prom no virtuves.