28 Septembris 2012 @ 14:36
I’m the woman who’s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons!  
Life is fair, but not according to some silly laws of karma. It just gives you lemons. In one form or another. The problem is that most people only like one aspect of the lemons, for example the aforementioned lemonade, but tend to forget about the destructive power of citric acid as it corrodes away the enamel of their teeth. And when the lemonade's gone, you're left with no lemons and a toothache and a conviction that you would have done better without them. And that's the moment when you can either grind your teeth or take those newly engineered combustible lemons and bombard life 'til she gives you oranges and free tooth fillings.

Lemons. Yes, lemons are the reason why I'm currently doing the right thing in the most asshole way imaginable.
Jūtos:: pissed off