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Tā ir Islandē... Sep. 22nd, 2004|08:08 pm

"Iceland follows UN recommendations in regards to its drug laws. In the case of mushrooms if you are caught with fresh mushrooms you can feel confident nothing will happen.. Even in most cases when a person is caught with dried mushrooms those are also typically not something the police will concern themselves with.

Icelandic police tend to deal with Mushrooms on a case by case basis and would likely make arrests if someone is caught growing in bulk quantaties. However in Icelandic society people who openly pick magic mushrooms (Liberty caps) in and around Reykjavik are a source of humour to people.

I would often in broad daylight go hunting for Liberty Caps and have no fear of the police or anyone for that matter caring what I'm doing.

I would remind anyone in Iceland that they are not legal, but the attitude of the police and society of Iceland is such that it is practically decriminlized."
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