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Jan. 19th, 2009|10:33 pm


More intrigue surrounds the mysterious disappearance, at about the time of Mr Simm’s arrest, of a contact who is an Italian-employed Spaniard ["Jesus"]. This person is thought to have been an “illegal”: a Russian spy infiltrated into Europe via Latin America, using a carefully constructed false identity, and able to operate all round the European Union without suspicion. Such “illegals” are the crown jewels of foreign intelligence work: their bogus identities are complex and expensive to arrange, and they usually handle only a single source. But in what appears to have been a bad bit of espionage tradecraft by Russia’s foreign intelligence service, the SVR, this Spanish citizen contacted another highly placed source in a different NATO country and made slightly clumsy attempts to recruit him. The subject reported the encounter, setting in train the investigation that led to Mr Simm’s arrest.

The Economist, 2008. gada 6. novembris

Drošības policija pagaidām nav būtiski pavirzījusies arī izmeklēšanā par internetā ievietoto aicinājumu vardarbīgi gāzt varu, izmantojot mītiņu Doma laukumā. Aizturēto šajā kriminālprocesā nav. Lietā iesaistīti ārvalstu sadarbības partneri. "Nekā personīga" zināms, ka pēdas apstājušās Brazīlijā.

"Nekā personīga", 2008. gada 18. janvāris

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