‮‮ - February 14th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 14th, 2008

Kosti, padod šnabi! [Feb. 14th, 2008|04:04 pm]
[mūzika |Dead Can Dance - Ullyses]

"Wodka, wodka daj!" (23r:029)
"Brandy!" (22r:010)
"Piedāvā Martini saviem viesiem!" (29g:326)
"Ai, man cigareti!" (29g:460)
"Jetzt dzeru konjaku. Ist es strengale?" (29r:462)
"Gute abend med dej! I wishy your bebi Wein." (30r:293)
"Raudiv, makorku!" (39r:725)
"Kosti, padod šnabi!" (44b:660)

šitādu grāmatiņu uzdāvināja )
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The VLF Recordings of Stephen P. McGreevy [Feb. 14th, 2008|09:27 pm]

Electric Enigma is a double album on which California-based artist Stephen P. McGreevy has documented recordings he made of Natural Radio - electromagnetic emissions in the very-low-frequency band caused by massive discharges and their after-effects in lightning storms and by the solar wind buffeting the earth's magnetic field, visible as Aurora Borealis and Australis.

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