
frickin´ awesome

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Socially challenged:
Someone who doesn't talk much. People usually tend to not even notice them when in a conversation with multiple people. These socially challenged ones don't say a word, but when they do, they're fricking hilarious!
Dude 1: So I was waiting for the bus and all of a sudden a bird swoops down and into my hair.
Dude 2: lol, did it get stuck?
Dude 1: No, it attacked my hair then flew off.
Socially challenged person:...
Dude 1: So, did anything interesting happen to you?
Dude 2: Nah, just the usual.
Socially challenged person: PUDDING!
Socially challenged person: I was here the whole time.
Dudes 1 and 2: HAHA, well whatever you said was frickin' hilarious!
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On December 2nd, 2009, 10:12 pm, [info]miegamaasa commented:
ding. pudding! rīt fizioloģijā 15:27 piecelšos kājās un izteikšos beidzot
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On December 2nd, 2009, 10:14 pm, [info]miegamaasa commented:
šis ir viens no visinteresantākajiem ierakstiem, ko esmu lasījusi sviesta cibās
On December 2nd, 2009, 10:21 pm, [info]labas_lietas replied:
I just feel so frickin' socially challenged some times
un man likās, ka es te atradīšu dzirdīgas ausis
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On December 2nd, 2009, 10:35 pm, [info]rr_rrr_r replied:
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On December 14th, 2009, 03:41 pm, [info]rr_rrr_r commented:
bet, zini, es galīgi neesmu pudding! kind of a person.. manējais social challengenss ir pavisam citas izcelsmes/formas. pff
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