
i won

i won

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i won that speech competiton and feeling was really grate.
but then... i had to realise that damn fact - the next stage takes place on the 18th March, the day when i was supposed to go to FRANCE. it means... by, by Paris... i hope that, as i am NOT going on that trip, it will be possible to get money back. peeeee!!!!!!! by the way maybe there is someone who wants to voyage instead of me?
  • nu tad Tev vajag sarunaat, lai Tevi kaads peec runas teikshanas aatri aizved... ar mashiinu tach autobusu var panaakt ;)
    • varēt jau var (Nensija ieteica lidot pa taisno uz Parīzi), bet vai tas ir tā vērts? turklāt ap to laiku grupa jau būs šķērsojusi vismaz vienu robežu, un tas varētu radīt problēmas, jo uz robežas tiek reģistrēti visi, kas ir autobusā, un kādas personas pievienošanās vēlāk ir problemātiska.
      • nju... domā pati! neviens cits nevar Tavā vietā ieplānot Tavas brīvdienas...
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