
i won

i won

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i won that speech competiton and feeling was really grate.
but then... i had to realise that damn fact - the next stage takes place on the 18th March, the day when i was supposed to go to FRANCE. it means... by, by Paris... i hope that, as i am NOT going on that trip, it will be possible to get money back. peeeee!!!!!!! by the way maybe there is someone who wants to voyage instead of me?
  • jā, tagad uz valsti :)
    bet tu to vari :)
    • laiks rādīs. es tikai tik ļoti nevaru ciest, ka man no k-kā jāatsakās. =(
      • es zinu... tas ir briesmīgi...
        tu rīt uz izstādi iesi?
        • jap. iešu vai vilkšos (ja garīgais līdz rītam neuzlabosies). jāatrod arī kāda rezerves skola, kur iestāties.
          tu arī dosies?
          • Biju. Sapratu, ka gribu prom no rīgas.
            njā, es ar starp citu varētu 18. martā uz Valmieru aizbraukt.
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