laime tas ir tad, kad viss notiek ātri un nepareizi - I have robots in me

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Novembris 16., 2018

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09:34 - I have robots in me
[saņēmu šodien šādu spamiņu]

I have robots in me (program of some governments, very logical artificial intellect), which were inserted in Holland from a satellite in 2008.

Such robots are very probably (according to the robots indeed) normally meant for the dangerous criminals and financiers of terrorism, who are financially interesting to assignors (some (former) presidents, ministers, political parties, security services and maybe some Hollywood actors).

The robots rule me. I hear and see them almost always and feel them always (as something from rubber, wat moves and presses my scull). The robots are not to see by the scan. I have no emotions/feelings, except the artificiality feeling.

The assignments of the robots concern the bank in Amsterdam, where I worked in 2008. I have robot “Halsema”, who was leader of Groen Links (Dutch party) and now the mayor of Amsterdam. The robots alleged that I slightly and rather shortly took part in money laundering (probably money extracted from the payment of taxes in Russia, as I suspect afterwards). However I did not know or conceal or plan to conceal any illegal capital/property. I left short after I heard that their probably was money laundering. So, accordance to the law and justice I was not guilty. In any case I did not do anything illegal. Besides, the paying taxes in Russia contribute to the purse of corrupt civil servants and budget of the country, which conducts wars. Also, I was never dangerous for people, that follows also from a detailed research by the robots (which was immediately carried out, thus 10 years and 4 months ago) also that I very probably would not be dangerous in the future.

According to information of the robots I would be killed in assignment of president Putin or CIA as a living witness/evidence of illegal and unjust placing of the robots. When the robots leave me I would be in coma, because my brain is atrophied (damaged) as the result of 10 years functioning of the robots instead of me. Many people know my data (address and so on) and this described situation and could find me (in coma, when the robots are gone away) to witness against the presidents concerned.

The presidents very probably want to conceal the responsibility for the arbitrariness and the damage of my brain, caused without just reason. I wrote much and many times, also to the presidents, so they knew my problem in any case very long. According to the last messages of the robots (for instance of robot/program “Gorbatchev”, operating in the name of the former Russian president) I would be killed in a common assignment of the presidents (J. Bush, Obama, Trump, Merkel, also program of Lubbers and Eltsin, who are now dead, Balkenende, Rutte, Medvedev, Putin, Zhirinovski (leader of a Russian political party), Gorbatchev, also Japanese, Italian (Berluskoni), Romano Prodi, Georgian president, maybe Grebuskaite and maybe Poroshenko (orderers of the robots) of in assignment of Donald Trump or Berlusconi or Putin of J. Bush (junior) or Romano Prodi or Obama. They could murder me by a (new) program, the third persons (including by provoking to murder) or euthanasia (in Holland allowed under some conditions). In the last case the robots would make me write a false statement or say to the doctors that I wish to be euthanized and I would not be able to protest despite I am completely against euthanasia.

In any case I will not agree with euthanasia, under any circumstance.

The robots are used in case somebody wants to be euthanized, but get no permission from the doctors. The robots burst (break) the heart: I have many times experienced some kind of pumping up of my heart (in any case a feeling) by the robots and they create at the same time strong supernatural tension. My heart is healthy, also according to recent medical statements. The robots can, as they also say, kill by pain shock or direct ruling to perform suicide. Also, the same kind robots can be inserted in somebody else to rule him to kill me as if the murder has nothing to do with the presidents.

The robots say that also my brother Oleg Dunauskas can be chosen to be programmed. But he is in any case also not dangerous.
With the quantitative electroencefollografic measurement (QEEG) can u (maybe) discover other victims of the robots and maybe help them.
Please keep this letter. If you think that maybe somebody else has written this letter, check the memory of the robots of this date (maybe for you accessible), whether I indeed wrote.
I am Lithuanian and have Lithuanian and Russian nationalities.

With kind regards,
Stanislav Dunauskas
Date of birth: 18-06-1977
Lepelkruidhof 7
5044 GC Tilburg, Holland
Tel. +31633812256

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