Marts 9., 2015
kuces_kundze | 15:56 - tiem, kurus tas interesē Rekur iz izlikts iztulkots un analizēts ISIS propagandas gabals par sievietes lomu Islāma valstī - "Women in the Islamic State: Manifesto and Case Study" http://www.quilliamfoundation.org/press/quilliam-translation-and-analysis-of-islamic-state-manifesto-on-jihadist-brides/
Piezīmēju key points un pasakiet, ka to nevarētu būt rakstījis kāds apdolbījies naciķis, korāna vietā liekot lietā dzīvesziņu:
Rietumu kritika: (...) they have resulted in the injustices felt by Muslims across the world today. As scientific research is central to modernity, it thus follows that the pursuit of any knowledge (except that which regards religion) is pointless. The West’s obsession with studying “the brain cells of crows, grains of sand and fish arteries” is deemed a distraction from the fundamental purpose of humanity – to worship God. This, the author(s) argue, has sullied humanity’s purity. In the same breath, though, they also insulate themselves from accusations of hypocrisy by claiming that those sciences “that people need, that help facilitate the lives of Muslims and their affairs are permissible.
Par sievietes vietu: The blurring of lines between the roles of each sex has caused people to forget how to worship God properly – it is a distraction that is rending society apart. In their attempt to identify the root cause of it all, the author(s) pin the blame on the emasculation of men. Because, it is argued, “women are not presented with a true picture of man”, they have become confused and complacent, unable to fulfil their appointed responsibilities, most of which revolve around motherhood and maintenance of the household. The implication is obvious – the men of IS are deemed to be real men. Therefore, to live a sedentary life within the so-called Caliphate, to be exposed to their “rightful masculinity” would not only right the wrongs felt by the “Muslim community” today, it would allow a woman to be a better Muslim.
Women must be educated on some level. Indeed, a woman cannot fulfil her role if she is “illiterate or ignorant”. Hence, education is mandatory. In determining what form this education should take, a curriculum has been proposed that determines the ideal curriculum for girls. Ideally, it would “begin when they are seven years old and end when they are fifteen, or sometimes a little earlier”.
The role of women is inherently “sedentary”, and her responsibilities lie first and foremost in the house, except in a handful of narrowly defined circumstances. This role begins at the point of marriage which, it is declared, can be as young as nine years old. From this point on, it is women’s “appointed role [to] remain hidden and veiled and maintain society from behind”."
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