Oktobris 13., 2017
10:17 - interns Ja tev savā prakses pieteikumā atrodas vieta pieminēt gan alus dzeršanu, gan krosfitu, gan draudzeni .... you are doing it wrong, mate.
Personal profile: I am a young professional from Jutland in Demark who appreciate versatility with exercise, a home cooked dinner and a good book. I am an adapt reader and it was in literature that I first fell in love with Russia. It has since evolved – especially with the personal association achieved by two sojourns in the country – and I keep myself updated and follow the debate in both local and international media. Exercise gives me energy and lifts my spirit and in consequence, I train badminton, squash, yoga, running or CrossFit 3-5 a week. I am also a curious cook who loves to experiment in the kitchen, preferably with a beer or a glass of wine and my girlfriend or friends beside me.