laime tas ir tad, kad viss notiek ātri un nepareizi - 7. Oktobris 2016

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Oktobris 7., 2016

15:13 - i am just a robot
Many thanks for your email! I am just a robot, here to let you know that we got your email (Ticket 1890185)! Real humans will read and respond to your message shortly.

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15:13 - Message From: Ryan Gosling
From: Ryan Gosling <>
Date: 2016-10-05 20:39 GMT+03:00
Subject: Meet Me in Budapest

I’ve teamed up with Omaze to offer you and a guest the chance to join Harrison Ford and I on the set of the latest addition to the Blade Runner universe.
Please make a donation to the Enough Project here and we'll enter you for a chance to win a trip to beautiful Budapest, and have lunch with me here on the set. This city and the film are pretty incredible and I'd love for you to see it.
We’ll take care of everything; your flights and 4 star hotel are covered.
Besides all that, you'll be doing the good work of helping the Enough Project and me support the hopes of the people of Congo for peace. I hope to see you in Hungary.
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