Jūlijs 28., 2015
12:30 - bībeles ziemeļkorejai The Korean office for Voice of the Martyrs announced at a press conference earlier this week that the Christian missionary organization will be sending Bibles into the southern part of North Korea. "In North Korea, even children are aware of the risks of possessing a Bible. Even socks, clothes or food are dangerous. People who pick up a Bible know their choice is very risky, they could probably end up being executed," said the Rev. Eric Foley, CEO of VOM Korea to NK News, explaining the dangers of owning a Bible in the Communist state. One difference this year is unlike past balloon distributions, VOM has a computer app to track where the Bibles will land in North Korea.
Vai nav jauki? Jo tas, ko Ziemeļkorejas bērniem vajag, ir nāvi nesošas Bībeles. Labi arī, ka būs aplikācija, lai vieglāk identificētu līķu atrašanās vietu.
15:33 - omg esmu pārsniegusi cibā piedraugojamo cilvēku skaitu. nespēju noticēt, ka mūsdienās vēl pastāv tādas vietnes, kur tas ir iespējams.