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Sāksim ar wikipēdiju: Many researchers have attempted to find explanations for why gender is such a significant indicator for suicide. A common explanation relies on the social constructions of hegemonic masculinity and femininity. According to literature on gender and suicide, male suicide rates are explained in terms of traditional gender roles. Male gender roles tend to emphasize greater levels of strength, independence, risk-taking behavior, economic status, individualism.[17][18][19] Reinforcement of this gender role often prevents males from seeking help for suicidal feelings and depression.[20]
Numerous other factors have been put forward as the cause of the gender paradox. Part of the gap may be explained by heightened levels of stress that result from traditional gender roles. For example, the death of a spouse and divorce are risk factors for suicide in both genders, but the effect is somewhat mitigated for females.[21] In the Western world, females are more likely to maintain social and familial connections that they can turn to for support after losing their spouse.[21] Another factor closely tied to gender roles is employment status. Males' vulnerability may be heightened during times of unemployment because of societal expectations that males should provide for themselves and their families.[20]
It has been noted that the gender gap is less stark in developing nations. One theory put forward for the smaller gap is the increased burden of motherhood due to cultural norms. In regions where the identity of females is constructed around the family, having young children may correlate with lower risks for suicide.[17] At the same time, stigma attached to infertility or having children outside of marriage can contribute to higher rates of suicide among women.[22]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_di fferences_in_suicide
Sāksim ar wikipēdiju: Many researchers have attempted to find explanations for why gender is such a significant indicator for suicide. A common explanation relies on the social constructions of hegemonic masculinity and femininity. According to literature on gender and suicide, male suicide rates are explained in terms of traditional gender roles. Male gender roles tend to emphasize greater levels of strength, independence, risk-taking behavior, economic status, individualism.[17][18][19] Reinforcement of this gender role often prevents males from seeking help for suicidal feelings and depression.[20]
Numerous other factors have been put forward as the cause of the gender paradox. Part of the gap may be explained by heightened levels of stress that result from traditional gender roles. For example, the death of a spouse and divorce are risk factors for suicide in both genders, but the effect is somewhat mitigated for females.[21] In the Western world, females are more likely to maintain social and familial connections that they can turn to for support after losing their spouse.[21] Another factor closely tied to gender roles is employment status. Males' vulnerability may be heightened during times of unemployment because of societal expectations that males should provide for themselves and their families.[20]
It has been noted that the gender gap is less stark in developing nations. One theory put forward for the smaller gap is the increased burden of motherhood due to cultural norms. In regions where the identity of females is constructed around the family, having young children may correlate with lower risks for suicide.[17] At the same time, stigma attached to infertility or having children outside of marriage can contribute to higher rates of suicide among women.[22]