gargantijs - June 9th, 2019 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 9th, 2019

kārtējais neko nenozīmējošais teikums [Jun. 9th, 2019|04:00 pm]
viss, ko mēs jebkad esam meklējuši, ir ideāla aizbēgšana no realitātes
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[Jun. 9th, 2019|09:00 pm]
Rakos pa savām Kindle piezīmēm, un atradu, kur aug kājas kaut kur Žižeka (?) darbos lasītajam par priekšmetu teroru. No Gilles Châtelet To Live and Think like Pigs: The Incitement of Envy and Boredom in Market Democracies:

"This experiment also reminds us of the art of the great masters of still life, of their capacity to insinuate that there is some terrible threat in an upturned goblet, in a pile of apples or grapes, or in a basket hung with game; that the Truce of the Penates has broken down, that the tidy folds of the tablecloth at the corner of the table will topple into a cataract and join the heavy sags below the table, that some conspiracy is afoot between the victuals, the candlesticks, and the napkins, to allow themselves to be engulfed in a pitiless war of things…."

Tā kā tikko pabeidzu lasīt Pereka dzīves manuāli, šis citāts šobrīd īpaši labi raksturo manu mentālo vilni (ar "mentālo vilni" cenšos latviskot "vibe"). Pereks ir priekšmetu rakstnieks par excellence. Lietas lietas lietas lietas.
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