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a stash of quotes for future disposal Apr. 30th, 2019|07:48 pm
I do not know which to prefer,
The beauty of inflections
Or the beauty of innuendoes,
The blackbird whistling
Or just after.

//Wallace Stevens

It seems to me (non-philosopher that I am) that a huge part of Heidegger’s enterprise was about getting back, going up the language stream to locate the founding vocabulary, and with it, the yet uncorrupted encounter. (“Every word was once a poem,” right?). The poet gets in closest to language, and therefore is closer to being.

In my younger and more hubristically optimistic days I thought that I would spend my later years learning ancient Greek, as if the real stuff—the true perception—was going to be found there, in the successive epiphanies that would mark the path to mastery. I see now that such study will probably remain another of those fantasies we generate in our youth.

//Sven Birkerts
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