koks - March 9th, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 9th, 2018

[Mar. 9th, 2018|11:37 am]
Bubulis ar ko mani baidīja visu bērnību nu ir nožmiegts - kobra norīta. Pretīgi gan bija, bet ātri un pēc tam
bez maz jautājums vai kaut kas nupat vispār notika vai iztēlojos. Jebkurā gadījumā jauna dzīves pieredze, heh.
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[Mar. 9th, 2018|11:04 pm]
-Normally I wouldn't even broach this, but what do you think one of Will's strongest drives is?
-Will Graham deals with huge amounts of fear. Comes with his imagination.
-It's the price of imagination.

Hannibal (TV)

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