Peter Ibbetson
Group Chief Executive
Natwest Bank Plc London
1 Hatton VRT , LONDON - EC1P 1DU
Združeno kraljestvo .
Zasebno Tell : +447024096131
Dragi moj dober prijatelj ,
Moje ime je Peter Ibbetson Natwest Bank Plc Group Chief Executive .
Odločil sem se , da se poišče zaupno sodelovanje z vami v izvedbi posla ,
opisanega tukaj , v okviru naše tako obojestransko korist in upam, da ga bo
vodila top secret zaradi narave posla.
Tekom naše banke letne revizije , sem v računu, ki pripada eni od naših tujih
kupcev odkril Neostvareno / opuščeno sklad , seštevek £ 15.000,000.00 GBP (
petnajst milijonov britanski funt ) ( Late gospod Terry Ryan) Američan, ki je
na žalost izgubil življenje in družino , v Alaska Airlines Flight 261 , ki je
strmoglavilo v Tihem oceanu, 40 kilometrov severozahodno od Los Angeles, 31. januarja
Zdaj naša banka je čakal za katerega koli od sorodnikov , da pridejo navzgor za
trditev , vendar nihče ni naredil. Jaz osebno pa je bila neuspešna pri iskanju
koli od sorodnikov za zdaj 5 let , iskreno iskati vaše privoljenje , da vam
predstavi kotožjih sorodnikov / Will upravičenec do pokojnika, tako da se
izkupiček od tega računa vrednotijo na { GBP £ 15 milijonov Britancev funtov
lahko Sterling } je treba plačati za vas, ki ga bomo delili v razmerju teh
odstotkih , 60% za mene in 40% za vas.
Jaz vas izbrali zaradi geografske lokacije vašo državo in vaš naslov poslovni
imenik tukaj v Londonu gospodarska zbornica , vse, kar zahtevajo od vas vaše
iskreno sodelovanje , zaupanje in strogo zaupno , da nam omogočajo uspešno
izvedbo tega posla . Zagotavljam vam , da bo ta transakcija izvedena v okviru
zakonite dogovor, ki bo varoval si iz kakršne koli kršitve zakona tako v svoji
državi in tukaj v Londonu , ko jesklad prenese na vaš bančni račun . Na vašo
obravnavo in sprejem te ponudbe , javite se takoj in pošljite minaslednje
informacije .
Tvoje ime in priimek,
Tvoja Kontakt Naslov &
- Vaša neposredna Mobilna telefonska številka .
Tvoja Age
Ta informacija mi bo omogočilo, da naložite svoje podatke v Natwest Bank baze
podatkov, ki kažejo na omrežnem sistemu banke , ki gapoimenovali ožjih
sorodnikov / volje upravičenca tega sklada in vas bo vodil o tem, kako odpreti
komunikacijo z banko, in da zahtevki za nadaljnji prenos na sklad za vas ,
upoštevajte, da imamo nekaj dni za izvedbo tega posla , Vašo hiter odziv skozi
moje osebne e-pošte : bodo
bo zelo cenjeno.
Zahvala vi vnaprej za vaš hiter odziv.
S spoštovanjem,
Peter Ibbetson
Group Chief Executive
Natwest Bank Plc London
1 Hatton VRT , LONDON - EC1P 1DU
Združeno kraljestvo .
Zasebno Tell : +447024096131
To sporočilo in njegove priloge ( če obstajajo ) lahko vsebujejo zaupne ,
lastniške ali zaupne narave informacij, in je namenjen samo za uporabo
naslovnika nad imenom .
Ne zaupnost ali privilegij je odpovedal ali izgubljeno s katero koli napačne
prenosa . Če nistepredvideni prejemnik tem sporočilom vas obveščamo , da se ne
sme uporabljati , razširjati , jo kopirajte v kakršni koli obliki ali sprejme
ukrepe v upanju na njej . Če ste to sporočilo prejeli po pomoti, se ga in vse
kopije njega izbrišete in vljudno obvestiti pošiljatelja tega e-pošto z
odgovorom .
Mr. Peter Ibbetson
Group Chief Executive
NatWest Bank Plc London
United Kingdom.
Private Tell: +447024096131
My Dear Good Friend,
My name is Mr. Peter Ibbetson NatWest Bank Plc Group Chief Executive.
I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in the execution of
the deal described here-under for our both mutual benefit and hope you will
keep it a top secret because of the nature of the transaction.
During the course of our Bank yearly auditing, I discovered an
unclaimed/abandoned fund, sum total of £ 15.000,000.00 GBP (Fifteen
Million British Pounds sterling) in an account that belongs to one of our
foreign customers (Late Mr. Terry Ryan) an American who unfortunately
lost his life and family, in the Alaska Airlines Flight 261 which Crashed into
Pacific Ocean 40 miles northwest of Los Angeles, On January 31, 2000.
Now our Bank has been waiting for any of the relatives to come-up for the claim
but nobody has done that. I personally has been unsuccessful in locating any of
the relatives for 5 years now, I sincerely seek your consent to present you as
the next of kin / Will Beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this
account valued at {GBP£ 15 Million British Pounds Sterling} can be paid to you,
which we will share in these percentages ratio, 60% to me and 40% to you.
I choose you because of Geographical location of your country and your address
from a business directory here in London chamber of commerce,all that I require
from you is your sincere co-operation,trust and utmost confidentiality to
enable us conduct this transaction successfully. I assure you that this
transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect
you from any breach of the law both in your country and here in London once the
fund is transferred to your Bank account. Upon your consideration and
acceptance of this offer, please proceed immediately and send to me the
following information.
-Your Full Name,
-Your Contact Address &
-Your direct Mobile telephone Number.
-Your Age
This information will enable me to upload your data into NatWest Bank database
to reflect in the Bank network system that you are the named next of kin/will
beneficiary of this fund and I will guide you on how to open communication with
the Bank and make the claims for onward transfer of the fund to you, please
note that we have few days to carry out this deal, Your kind rapid response
through my personal email :
will be highly appreciated.
Thanking you in anticipation for your prompt response.
Mr. Peter Ibbetson
Group Chief Executive
NatWest Bank Plc London
United Kingdom.
Private Tell: +447024096131
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