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"select" pārsteigumu paka 1. Jul 2014|20:31

A central misconception of today's holistic culture is the belief that all illness results from personal negativity, either from tragic past experiences, from negative attitudes that contaminate our minds and bodies, or from bad past-life karma. Yet negativity is not the only source of illness: It can also emerge as the answer to prayer. It can physically guide us onto a path of insight and learning upon which we would otherwise never have set foot. It may be a catalyst for expanding personal consciousness as well as for understanding the greater meaning of life.
As terrifying as disease is, it is also an invitation to enter into the nature of mistery. ...

Why people don't heal and how they can Caroline Myss, PH.D

jā, mazliet kā sajūta kā pie "select" katalogā iefotografētās pārsteigumu pakas. nav redzams, kas tur iekšā, bet apkārt stāv ļaudis ar vaļā mutēm, un viņu sejās plaiksnās gaisma, kas atspīd no pakas satura!

(es, protams, lasu arī pavisam citādākas grāmatas.)
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