noslēgums par ISTP |
24. Jan 2013|17:04 |
laikam veseli institūti pēta tās personības. ne tikai īstās, bet arī izdomātās. jūtos pagodināta, ka atrodos vienā grupā ar Zorro, kā arī ar Briesmoni no multenes "skaistule un briesmonis".
upd About ISTPs
Cool, self-contained problem-solvers Strongly linked to the Negativistic personality Somewhat linked to the Antisocial personality More common in men than in women Repress their Extroverted Feeling function, meaning they may find themselves unintentionally giving offense Amongst the types least likely to believe in a deity
Stīvs Džobs, Diogēns, Dalailama, Putins, Kubriks, Klints Īstvuds, Harisons Fords, Toms Krūzs, Vudijs Alens, Antonio Banderass. |