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ISTJ 24. Jan 2013|11:49

te var notestēties. āmurikāņi vispār sevi iedala 4 burtu kombinācijās un pēc tām izvēlas profesiju. es esmu ISTJ un te mans raksturojums

Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging type
People like this are quiet, serious and conscientious. They typically think before speaking, and are fairly cautious about jumping into new experiences. Since they are so private, they rarely share their feelings or reactions with people they don’t know well. They need a good deal of time alone, and while they enjoy the company of a small group of close friends, they are rarely the ones to initiate get-togethers. They are selective about their interests, usually preferring to study things in depth or participate in physical or hands-on activities. They are careful with facts, money and their possessions, and they may have excellent memories for details. Practical and realistic, people describe them as matter-of-fact, polite and responsible.
They are also logical and organized people. Even in tense situations, they are usually able to remain calm and cool. Since they are most comfortable with predictable routines and like to be prepared at all times, they don’t usually like surprises or changes. They are skeptical about untested ideas and may get bored with too much theoretical discussion. Because they have strong opinions, they may sometimes act a bit controlling or inflexible. They like compliments about their accomplishments, and may become angry when
others make unfair or arbitrary decisions. Above all, they need to understand the logical reason for decisions since once they make up their minds, they may be reluctant to change them.

tālāk, protams, gugle piedāvā visu iespējamo. ISTJ ir 10 - 14% no cilvēces.

kaut gan īsti nevar saprast, ja nu es esmu ISTP.

Ieērojami ISTJ: Dzordžs Vašingtons, Zigmunds Freids, Ričards Niksons, Kondoliza Raisa, Hilarija Klintone, Angela Merkele, Roberts de Niro, Šons Konorijs, Elizabete II.

un te ir manuālis, kā ar mani apieties
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