tests - normal eating |
15. Feb 2012|08:20 |
ierosinu jaunu MAS http://normaleating.com/ pie trešā apakšvirsraksta ir izeja uz testu: Why Do You Eat?
rezultāti ir diezgan īsi, bet paši jautājumi ir rēcīgi. Sometimes when I'm alone, I eat in ways I wouldn't want anyone else to see. true or false.
Here are your test results. Emotional Eating (high)
Most of your eating is to soothe emotional discomfort or distract from life's problems rather than to meet your body's need for fuel. You may not have experienced actual physical hunger in years because you don't let yourself get hungry. Desperation To Be Slim (low)
You may not be completely satisfied with how you look, but you are satisfied enough to live your life without obsessing about it. Negative Self-Image (low)
You feel good about yourself, and you know you are a valuable and lovable person. If you are overweight, it has nothing to do with low self-esteem. Lack of Self-Care (high)
You neglect yourself and ignore your own needs. You would not treat someone you loved the way you treat yourself. You have been ignoring your own needs and feelings for so long that you hardly can identify them anymore. When you don't know why you're feeling bad, the only way to feel better is to do something generic, like eating. Sexual Discomfort (medium)
You feel some discomfort with sex or sexuality. If you are overweight, your fat may serve to protect you from situations that make you anxious or uncomfortable. |