September 21st, 2009

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07:32 pm - dziesmas par dzīvi
Līdzīgi kā pabriesmīgajā The Shaggs dziesmā (ar "ģeniālo" tekstu ..some people are thin, some people are fat, some people are smart, some...) man bieži vien vērojot sanāk sevī nodungot: Dažiem patīk sagraut, dažiem patīk saglabāt, dažiem patīk došana, dažiem tik ņemšana.

(3 comments | Leave a comment)


[User Picture]
Date:September 21st, 2009 - 07:47 pm
nē, tur bija:

Oh, the rich people want what the poor people's got
And the poor people want what the rich people's got
And the skinny people want what the fat people's got
And the fat people want what the skinny people's got

You can never please anybody in this world

The short people want what the tall people's got
And the tall people want what the short people's got
The little kids want what the big kid's got
And the big kids want what the little kid's got

You can never please anybody in this world

Oh, the girls with short hair want long hair
And the girls with long hair want short hair
Oh, the boys with cars want motorcycles
And the boys with motorcycles want cars

You can never please anybody in this world
[User Picture]
Date:September 21st, 2009 - 07:53 pm
bāc, es atļāvos to vulgarizēt..
[User Picture]
Date:September 21st, 2009 - 07:53 pm
par Tavu dungaajienu - piekriitu!
Purrr purrr.. - dziesmas par dzīvi

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