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[Sep. 10th, 2009|08:31 am]
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My dog killed yet another squirrel today. It's really depressing when your pet's goals in life are far more ambitious than your own.
Stephanie S. Thompson

The Top Beatles Songs About the Internet

- Being for the Benefit of Mr. Gates
- Can't Buy Me Porn
- I've Just Seen Your Facebook Page
- When I'm 64-Bit
- Wild Honey Pot
- Paperback Blogger
- Do You Want to Know My Password
- When I'm 404 - File Not Found
- Patching a Security Hole
- You're Gonna Lose That URL
- I Want to Hold Your Handheld
- She Hacked in Through a Back-Door Flaw in Windows
- Lucy Called on Skype from Thailand

Rita Levi-Montalcini is the oldest living recipient of the Nobel Prize, which she shared in 1986 with Stanley Cohen for discovering Nerve Growth Factor. She turned 100 in April.

The Top 100th Birthday Presents for Rita Levi-Montalcini

- T-shirt that says "I won a Nobel Prize. Now if I could only remember where I left it."
- A copy of Jenny McCarthy's book, "Science, Shmience."
- Sexy lingerie, because anyone winning a Nobel Prize has just GOT to be HOT no matter what age.
- A lifetime subscription to National Geographic.
- A fire extinguisher to put out her cake.
- A trip to Disney World, cuz it's SO time to get out of the lab.
- The Nobel garden hose to keep those damn kids off the lawn.

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