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[Aug. 12th, 2009|12:21 pm]
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As Melvin the Magnificent started telling stories of his alien abduction and subsequent alien-baby pregnancy to the 8-year-olds at Charlie's birthday party, Charlie's dad began to suspect that "Master of Delusion" on the business card wasn't a typographical error after all.
Kimberly Ciesiolka

The Top Alternate Business Philosophies

- If it works in the porn industry, it'll work for us!
- If it feels good, brand it.
- Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines!
- The employee is always right.
- Continuously Improve Cross-Functional Synergistic Processes Enhancements to Bootstrap the Dynamic Just-in-Time Tiger Team Improvements in Real-Time Deployment of Customer-Centric Buzzwords.

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