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[Jul. 29th, 2009|10:28 am]
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Sure, I like a woman in a bikini as much as the next guy. More, probably, since that guy's all hairy and really doesn't have the figure for one.
Brad Hamer

The Top Signs the Harry Potter Gang Are No Longer Kids

- Ginny Weasley's bra has been magically sealed, and Harry can't find the counter-spell. Looks like another night of wand polishing.
- Hermione paid all of last semester's tuition in crumpled 1-pound notes.
- In Potions class, Ron whips up a batch of Grecian Formula.
- Not only doesn't Congressman Foley text them any more, Gary Glitter won't take their calls.
- Harry's most recited spell this year: "Bongus refillus!"

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