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[Jul. 10th, 2009|10:57 am]
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When I had a forgetful moment, a friend told me, "The memory's the second thing to go!" I guess that's a good thing, because I can't remember what the first thing to go was.
Chuck Bonner

I often dream about what it would be like to live in space and have a gorgeous space-girl for a wife. It's a great little fantasy -- until I get to the part where she's banging Captain Kirk when I'm at work.
Mark Vanderbilt

They say character is what you have after you've lost everything else. I say: If you've lost everything else, how much character could you have had in the first place?
The Covert Comic

I've always treated my body as a temple, but not for spiritual reasons. I'm just hoping a sacrificial virgin or two might wander in for a look-see.
Joseph Moore

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