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[Jul. 2nd, 2009|08:23 am]
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I love the funny way Canadians say "oot and aboot" and "eh?" and "Please leave before I have to call the police again."
Jill Gallagher

When I rubbed the lamp, a genie appeared and granted me a wish. Unfortunately, it was a diaper genie. Just my luck.
Kim Moser

The Top Worst Breakup Lines of All Time

- "Lately, our relationship felt to me like a kidney stone painfully clawing it's way down my urethra."
- "Forceps... suction... Nurse Throckmorton, I'm leaving you for Nurse Kowalski here... scalpel...."
- "Hey, I just thought of a 51st way, Renee."
- "All the Mary Kay and knee socks in the world won't make you look like a manga schoolgirl, Bob."
- "In a 7-2 ruling, the Supreme Court of My Cats have judged and found you inadequate. Chief Justice Lady Fluffikins's majority opinion is especially compelling."

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