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[May. 28th, 2009|07:45 am]
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I'm a dyslexic geneticist. My research suggests that I inherited it from my child.
Larry Baum

I was so completely disappointed when the ogre started shooting his phaser at the donkey. That's the last time I'll ever go to a Star Shrek movie.
Jeff Lyons

When I attempt to locate my inner child, I usually check my inner brothel first.
Peter Reinke

Ever wonder why there are so many conspiracy theorists out there? Three words, my friend: government cloning farms.
Travis Ruetenik

The Top Benefits of Library Work

- Finally get to shush little old ladies.
- Most people assume you can read.
- Get to read the dirty magazines before the community.
- At night, your can rent your office, and your glasses, for adult movies.
- All the bookmarks you can steal.
- You will almost never have to clean up human feces.

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