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[Mar. 11th, 2009|10:32 am]
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The Top Internet Inventions We'd Like to See, part II

- A bookmarking system for all those cool bookmarks you save, so you can actually find them next month.
- A router that will pass packets of snacks from the kitchen to the living room.
- A remote controlled hand so you can smack the trolls who respond to your TOTALLY AWESOME YouTube posts.
- A cash slot that would dispense your lottery winnings and Nigerian inheritance.
- The iMoon.
- Postage-due e-mail collection.
- A pause button, so we could take a day off and be sure we won't miss any cool new stuff being posted.
- I know this is really far out but just imagine how cool it would be if it was just like Star Trek and we all carried around high-tech "communicator" devices which used radio waves and a network of towers to allow us to converse with anyone on the planet who also possessed such a device.

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