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[Feb. 12th, 2009|12:10 pm]
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Whatever gave this Bernie Madoff guy the idea he could pay off early investors with later investor money? Who does he think he is, the Social Security Administration?

Officials in Austin, TX, were alarmed when someone hacked a computerized road sign and changed it from "Road Work Ahead" to "Caution, Zombies Ahead!" Hey, if they want the signs to reflect what's REALLY going on, they should have them say "People on road leaning on shovels" or "Right lane closed for no apparent reason."
Loyal Barber

I couldn't afford a real diamond, so I got my fiancee one of those new cubic spongeconium rings. I just pray she doesn't wash any dishes before the wedding.
Michael Cunningham

A pre-med student told me, "I've often wished I could give a great big thank-you kiss to those people who donate their bodies for medical research." I said, "Well what's stopping you?"
The Covert Comic

So let me get this straight: Olympian hero Michael Phelps gets caught smoking pot and is suspended by his sport? No big deal -- he just needs to switch to Olympic snowboarding.
Mike Ranston

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