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[Oct. 24th, 2008|07:45 am]
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The Top Interesting Celebrity Anagrams

- Ronald Reagan = a granola nerd
- Whitney Houston = thou whiney snot
- George W. Bush = huge sob grew
- Barney the Dinosaur = I be rude, horny Satan.
- Mary Kate Olsen = Mary? A skeleton.
- Jessica Simpson = Piss-cam on Jessi!
- Michael Moore = Hear me: I'm loco!
- Oprah Winfrey = why I fear porn
- Calista Flockhart = sorta flat L.A. chick
- Saddam Hussein = has ass in de mud
- Julia Roberts = just re-oil bra
- Carmen Electra = caramel center
- Anna Nicole Smith = an oilman in chest
- Paris Hilton = Hail! It's Porn!
- Susan Sarandon = O darn! Sans anus!
- Britney Spears = Bray, siren pest!
- Pamela Anderson = a lad, a porn, semen
- Luciano Pavarotti = I toot up a carnival.

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