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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|10:35 am]
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The Top Things That Really Happen When the Refrigerator Light Goes Out

- According to your grandma, the Frost King appears, then sucks the moisture out of everything that isn't wrapped tightly enough. Or maybe it's *grandma* who isn't wrapped tightly enough.
- That's when all the vampire brussels sprouts come out to terrorize the ketchup and tomato juice.
- The fruits can still flirt by the light of the glow-in-the-dark mold on the cheese.
- The nocturnal predators in the refrigerator begin to feed.
- One of the hamsters takes a rest.
- My bologna tries to change its name.
- The Angel of Cheese sets to work on the milk.
- Zombie cockroaches rise from their graves in the butter.
- The little blue bunnies return to make more deposits in the blueberry container.
- The Frigidaire Faeries eat your last piece of pie, then pee in your leftover guacamole.
- Since this is a family list, I really shouldn't talk about the frankfurters and the hot pockets.

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