Khe-he - The Top Worst Halloween Costume Combination for a Couple [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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The Top Worst Halloween Costume Combination for a Couple [Oct. 19th, 2005|10:57 pm]
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Fire hydrant and dog.

Joan of Arc and The Human Torch.

Him: Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater.
Her: Pumpkin.

Oedipus and Mom.

Michael Jackson: Before and After (bi-racial couples only)
Don't bother playing rock-paper-scissors with God, since his omniscience gives him quite an edge. Besides, on the off-chance you sneak one past him, he'll come out throwing "Love, which conquers all." What are you going to do, protest and tell God to quit being cheesy?
(Brad Simanek)

When facing moral dilemmas, many people ask, "WWJD?" As for me, I prefer to ask "WWGTM?" -- "Where will Google take me?" It's quite uncanny the way it works every single time, as it's always porn sites.
(Maurizio Mariotti)
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