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[May. 7th, 2008|01:40 pm]
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I wonder if the clothing and shoe factories of Southeast Asia ever have "Take Your Parents to Work Day."
Paul B.

When my sister takes her kid to the mall, she puts him on one of those kiddie leashes so he doesn't get lost. How creepy is that? Personally, I think he'd be much safer and happier if she left him at home in his crate.
Dan, the crazy Croat

Boeing's latest airplane, the high-tech carbon-fiber fuel-efficient 787 Dreamliner, has been delayed for the third time, making
it over a year late. What's the hold-up?

The Top Boeing Excuses for the 787 Dreamliner Delays

- Entire engineering staff is already camped out in line for the new "Star Trek" movie.
- There was just barely enough leg room to seat passengers comfortably -- so they're adding more rows.
- After several failed attempts, engineers finally scrapped the sunroof idea.
- Engineers neglected to factor Earth's gravity into take-off calculations.
- Air Bus guys keep tagging them with French graffiti.
- Trouble finding someone who can not only fly the plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner.
- Can't find the keys.
- Beverage cart redesign necessary, as standard size does not sufficiently block aisles when in use.
- Giant wheels keep getting stolen by Escalade owners.
- It travels so fast that it time-travels back to its starting point at the gate before anyone notices it's gone. Yeah, that's the ticket.
- Still adjusting bathroom wall footholds to allow for *every* Kama Sutra position.
- Adding that new "Terrorist Class" has given Marketing fits.

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