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[Feb. 26th, 2008|10:24 am]
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The Top Politically Correct Error Messages

- "A suboptimal event has occurred. Windows will now display the Indigo Presentation of Ceased Autonomic Functions."
- "That password isn't the one I wanted, but it was close. Kudos for a valiant effort."
- "One of us made a typo, and it wasn't me."
- "This system has performed an act of civil disobedience and will now receive a non-judgmental time-out."
- "Please don't think of this as a 'User Error' but rather an 'Input Exploration Experience'."
- "Division by zero would sure be nifty, but the oppressive mathematical elite won't let us do it."
- "This application is unhappy, which caused the other applications to be unhappy, too. Turn off the computer to make them all happy again."
- "Sorry, it seems one of our programmers has confused 'IRQL' with 'Urkel.'"

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