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[Feb. 13th, 2008|06:01 pm]
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If I'm to believe Occam's Razor -- that all things being equal, the most obvious answer is usually the correct answer -- then I must sadly admit that all spammers probably don't share the exact same name and email address as my wife, and that all those "male enlargement" spam messages are actually from my wife.
Steve Bacon

My wife must think I'm an idiot! "Separate the white clothes from the colors." Ha! Whether I separate them left-to-right or top-to-bottom, the washing machine will mix them all together anyway!
Chuck Bonner

My new co-workers at the slaughterhouse have been great, patiently showing me the ropes without any of the hazing I'd feared. I will say, though, that I hope the Testicle Fairy visits soon, because my pillow is starting to smell awful.
Brad Simanek

The Top Movies at the Baghdad Film Festival

- Dude, Where's My Car Bomb?
- American, Die
- 12 Million Angry Men
- Another Fine Mesopotamia
- The Cowering Infidel
- There's Something About Condi
- Shi'ites Gotta Have It
- 1 Wedding and 2345 Funerals
- The Man in the Iran Mosque
- Sunni Todd: The Demon Bomber of Falastin Street
- 27 Burqas
- Indiana Bush and the Endless Crusade
- I Saw What You Did Last Summer and I Know the Goat's Name
- Jew? NO!
- My Best Friends' Beheading
- Howard the-- DUCK!!!

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