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[Feb. 7th, 2008|05:45 pm]
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The Top Rodent Contributions to Warfare

- Don't pretend you didn't know what was in your C-Rats and K-Rats. I mean, c'mon!
- Proven ability to carry small arms ammo to soldiers on the front lines (hence the term "pack rat").
- And just who do you think invented the cat-apult?
- World War II hero Field Mouse Montgomery.
- For centuries, rats were the Early Warning System to alert slow-witted sailors when it was time to abandon ship.
- A fine example of leadership for our officer corps to emulate and venerate.
- Bureauc-Rats who keep the Pentagon running so smoothly.
- Rat-ified treaties.
- Squirrel-a tactics: Grabbing the nut and running.
- The original underground.

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