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[Jan. 9th, 2008|08:04 am]
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The whole idea that cats are finicky eaters is just a lie perpetuated by marketing professionals. If you have some thick leather gloves, some duct tape and a funnel, you can pretty much get cats to eat anything you want them to.
Anthony Myers

Interesting bit of cultural trivia: The literal translation of the Japanese word "karaoke" is: "look like a friggin' idiot."
The Covert Comic

The Top 13 Signs You're Not All That Green

- You burn tires to create shade for the backyard.
- Two words: styrofoam coffin.
- The hot Orion slave girl who makes out with Captain Kirk is the only thing that comes to mind when you hear "green piece."
- You one-upped your neighbor's Ferrari by buying an RV with a built-in parking garage.
- Your new hybrid runs on whale oil.
- Your lightbulbs are gasoline-powered.
- Instead of a nice and sensible five items, your humor lists often contain a bandwidth-clogging 17 items.
- You're one Siberian tiger coat away from being able to wear the entire animal kingdom.
- The shiny new Prius in your driveway looks like a toy just delivered by the 15-foot-high motorized Santa in the fully lighted sleigh in your front yard with larger-than-life glowing reindeer with laser-light-nosed Rudolph in the lead. And this year you proudly added the animatronic elf choir with surround-sound to your display.
- While you can blend in with Shrek, The Incredible Hulk, and Kermit the Frog, you still don't match the color of David Hasselhoff's face after a long weekend.
- You brown out half of New Jersey when you plug in your outdoor Christmas decorations.
- Another hole in the ozone layer appears every time you successfully execute the "pull my finger" joke.
- You prefer to leave the fridge door open instead of running the air conditioner.
- The "green" aspects of your geothermally heated hot tub are somewhat negated by your importing lava from Iceland.
- You were the only individual asked to sign the Kyoto Protocol.
- You fly in the performers to "do it" in front of you instead of just surfing for free X-rated clips.
- You commute in a Smart Car -- from the bedroom to the den.
- The dials on your house's electric meter spin so fast, the power company uses them to generate wind energy.
- It is actually rather *easy* being you.
- Your household recycling consists of a couple of dogs that eat their own vomit.
- Showering with a friend sounds like a noble water-conservation effort, but it's not like the warden gave you a choice.
- Your new take on Turducken: a California condor stuffed with a bald eagle stuffed with a spotted owl.

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