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[Nov. 21st, 2007|09:35 am]
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They say 2.3 percent of adults still have problems wetting the bed. I can't imagine why, because it's a *really* easy thing to do.
Anthony Myers

I was about to roll 200,000 miles on my odometer, so I decided to document the big moment. I got a picture of the odometer at 199,999, another of it at 200,000, and a really good one of the officer investigating the accident.
Douglas Frank

If you're ever involved in a big sword fight against people who are missing an arm, don't kill too many of them, 'cause you never know when you might have to switch over to their side.
Stephanie Allen

If you have an indoor pet, it's not a bad idea to make sure he gets enough outdoor activity, too. One such activity I would suggest is crapping.
LeMel Hebert-Williams

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