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[Feb. 10th, 2006|12:57 pm]
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The Top Changes in a Spielberg Remake of "Mary Poppins"

Mary played by Tom Hanks.

Dancing penguins replaced by Pinky and The Brain.

When they go into the chalk drawing, they are pursued by sharks, dinosaurs, aliens, Nazis and an unusually dashing and athletic archaeologist.

Imagine Mary's surprise when she discovers that Jane and Michael Banks are robot children!

With the kids a bit too recalcitrant at bedtime, Mary looks at the medicine bottle and says ominously, "We're gonna need a bigger spoon."

Father gains his revenge on the the bank management by assassinating them one by one.

Mary leads a thousand doomed nannies, flying in on bicycles and firing semi-automatic umbrellas, in a bloody attempt to storm Mr. Banks' front porch.
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