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[Nov. 6th, 2007|10:32 am]
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The Top Signs a Political Candidate Isn't Web Savvy

- Asks his campaign manager to print out a hard copy of the web so he can study it on the plane.
- His YouTube video begins with: "I bid you greetings, citizens of the Interwebs!"
- Keeps trying to dial the web address.
- His foreign policy platform shows undue concern over the plight of Nigerian royalty.
- Makes air quotes while saying "Internet".
- Promises no increase in e-mail postal rates.

Scientists have used a spinning mirror to build a 3D holographic projector.

The Top Uses for a True 360-Degree 3D Projector

- Like every other advance in the field of audio/visual media, it'll be used for better, more realistic porn.
- Live Court-TV broadcasts of the Britney custody hearings.
- Desktop Yoda!
- In itself it's cool, but coupled with Photoshop, you can look 15 pounds lighter.
- Making 3D copies of your butt for office party pranks.

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