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Par Helovīnu :) [Oct. 25th, 2007|10:35 am]
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The Top Signs Your Trick-or-Treater Is a Doctor

- He's on your front step for less than 30 seconds. *You* get a bill the next day for $300.
- A kid dressed like an insurance agent follows him and takes 3/4 of his candy after each house.
- As the little vampire leaves, you catch a lingering "Dodge Viper" scent.
- Fifteen minutes before she arrives, her little brother comes to your door, hands you a clipboard, and asks you to update all of your insurance information.
- As he grabs your popcorn balls with rubber gloves, he asks you to cough.
- A kid dressed like a nurse rings your doorbell, yells "Trick or Treat!", asks to see your insurance card, takes your blood pressure and temp, makes you get undressed, and then tells you the next trick-or-treater will be with you shortly. An hour later ...

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