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[Oct. 4th, 2007|10:55 am]
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I went to see a psychiatrist because I was feeling paranoid, abusive and filled with rage. I figured the shrink would tell me I'm a paranoid schizophrenic, but as it turns out, I'm just a butthead.
Miles Walker

The Top Signs Your Military Video Game Sucks

- You're attacking the Roman forces with elephants and archers, and they're returning fire with M-16s and RPGs.
- The only available rank is Lieutenant, which wouldn't be so bad if the game weren't called "Frag the Looey."
- After dying, you have to manually scrub the field latrines before getting a new life.
- The title "Lick Butt and Take Names" isn't a typo.
- The first eight levels consist of requisitioning gear and getting shots, and the next five are transit hops.
- It's called "Vietnam: the Paris Peace Talks."
- Your highly-experienced Panzer division loses to Appalachian State.

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