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[Aug. 29th, 2007|07:59 am]
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My wife thinks that I stare at cute women so long because I'm undressing them with my eyes. What she doesn't realize is that, as a gentleman, I have to dress them back up again before I can look away.

It just isn't fair. I never had any juvenile impulses at all until after I was old enough to be tried as an adult.
Andy Ihnatko

Saying something over and over again doesn't make it true -- unless, of course, you're saying, "I'm obnoxious and repetitive."

The Top 15 Barbie Porn Movies

- Bang the Doll Slowly
- Crouching Barbie, Hidden Nipples
- The Gimp on the Barbie
- Searching for Barbie's Fissure
- Dirty But Not Hairy
- Catch Me If You're Ken
- An Inconvenient Lack of Genitalia
- Bend-Her
- The No-Vagina Monologues

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