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[Aug. 9th, 2007|08:04 am]
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Everquest is a great game because it allows players to experience things in the virtual world that they might never experience in the real world, like going outside and talking to other people.
Luna Daisy

The Top Haikus About the Internet

I post to my blog
and await the world's comments.
"Get a life," writes Mom.

As wind-blown petals,
muses lovingly bring forth
my "Buffy" fanfic.

Enjoy the outdoors,
smell the flowers and the trees,
near Wi-Fi hotspots.

Social networking
is better than the real thing.
Much less rejection.

I can't believe it.
After one chat, a hot date!
Now I'm on Dateline.

is the fountain of knowledge.
At least I hope so.

I was just shopping
for lingerie for you, dear.
On teen sluts dot com.

The Top Signs a Video Game Sucks

- Two words: Multiplayer Solitaire.
- The explosions sound suspiciously like some teenager yelling "BANG!" "POW!" "BOOM!"
- Your 13-year-old son reluctantly agrees to play it, but insists on first finishing his homework and cleaning his room.
- You're on the run from the cops, the mob, the bangers and the pushers--in a lime-green 1971 AMC Gremlin.
- The New Yorker gives it a five-star review.
- The sim is so realistic, all your avatar does is sit in front of the Virtual PC playing Virtual World of Warcraft.

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