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[Jul. 30th, 2007|01:23 pm]
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The Top Bad Icebreaker Lines
- "Wow! I had no idea they made women's shoes that big!"
- "If you had to pick one, would you rather live long or prosper?"
- "You have the most beautiful eyes. I'd like to donate them to a starving third world nation."
- "Would you like some shrimp? Because I'm not going to finish this one."
- "May I borrow your belt? I need to expose a vein."
- "Hey, wanna come see a turd shaped like a horseshoe?"
- "Know what my favorite thing about riding the bus is? BRRRRRRRM VROOOOM VROOOOM!"
- "I see you're reading the new Harry Potter book! Has Ron died yet?"
- "My balls started itchin' the moment I saw you -- and I *always* listen to my balls."
- "I've never seen a butt-crack tattoo of Cerberus that large before."
- "So how do you like your job at Discount Shoes where you work Monday through Thursday and ever other Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.?"

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